Our Culture

At SSI, our vision is to build the premier consulting organization through a culture of empowerment, collaboration, trust, and innovation.

Our Vision

We strive to cultivate an environment where each person feels respected, supported, and able to do their most impactful work. By leveraging diversity of thought and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit across our teams, we bring the highest level of expertise to solve our clients' complex challenges. 

It is our belief that empowering our people and encouraging calculated risk-taking enables them to reach their fullest potential. We aim to offer continuous learning opportunities and ownership of meaningful work so everyone can grow their skills, contribute unique value, and drive innovation. Trust, mutual understanding, and appreciation of contributions form the backbone of our collaborative culture. 

By prioritizing respect, inclusiveness, and bringing diverse perspectives together, our vision is to make the best decisions leveraging collective intelligence. An environment of professionalism, cooperation, and psychological safety allows great ideas to emerge, thrive, and be validated by the market. We encourage our team to explore uncharted territories, learn from experiences, and apply those learnings to deliver cutting-edge solutions.

Through active listening, consultation across functions, and celebrating accomplishments, we envision fully engaging and enabling every member of our team. United by our shared goals, we aim to empower one another to deliver unparalleled solutions and service to our clients, while remaining agile and adaptable in the face of ambiguity and change.

Our vision for SSI is to set new standards of excellence in consultancy by maintaining an unwavering commitment to these cultural values that put our people first and foster a culture of innovation. When each individual is successful, supported, and able to do their best work in an entrepreneurial environment, together we will achieve extraordinary things.

Our Culture Pillars






Trust forms the bedrock of our culture. We foster an environment where every team member feels psychologically safe, respected, and valued for their unique contributions. Open communication, transparency, and reliability are the hallmarks of our interactions, both internally and with our clients. We believe that trust is earned through consistent actions and a commitment to integrity. By nurturing trust, we create strong bonds that enable us to navigate challenges, take calculated risks, and achieve shared goals.

Our clients can rely on us to be their trusted partners, always acting in their best interests and delivering on our promises.


Collaboration is deeply ingrained in our DNA at SSI Strategy. We recognize that the best ideas and solutions emerge when diverse perspectives come together. Our team members actively seek opportunities to collaborate across functions, breaking down silos and leveraging each other's strengths. We foster an inclusive environment where everyone's voice is heard and valued. By encouraging open dialogue, active listening, and constructive feedback, we create a culture of continuous improvement.

Our collaborative approach extends to our clients, as we work side by side with you, understanding your unique challenges and co-creating tailored solutions. Together, we achieve more than we ever could alone.


Innovation is the driving force behind SSI Strategy's success. We constantly push boundaries, challenge the status quo, and explore uncharted territories to deliver cutting-edge solutions for our clients. Our team members are encouraged to be entrepreneurial, think creatively, take calculated risks, and embrace a growth mindset. We foster a culture of experimentation, where new ideas are welcomed, and learning from failures is celebrated. By staying attuned to market trends and customer needs, we proactively identify opportunities for innovation.

Our agile and adaptable approach allows us to quickly pivot and seize these opportunities, staying ahead of the curve. We are committed to being at the forefront of innovation in the consulting industry, delivering transformative results for our clients.


At SSI Strategy, we believe in the power of empowerment. We trust in the abilities and judgment of our team members, giving them the autonomy and resources they need to excel. We provide opportunities for continuous learning and development, helping each individual grow their skills and take ownership of their work. By fostering a sense of ownership and accountability, we encourage our team members to take initiative, make decisions, and drive projects forward. We celebrate successes and learn from setbacks together, creating a supportive environment where everyone can reach their fullest potential.

Our clients benefit from working with a team of empowered individuals who are passionate, proactive, and committed to delivering exceptional results.


Erica Lindewald

VP Global People & Culture