Evidence & Value

Unlocking Your Therapy's Full Potential with Strategic Evidence Generation 

Unlocking Innovation Value

Demonstrating your innovative therapy's value is crucial for successful market access and adoption. At SSI Strategy, we believe strategic evidence generation, aligned with key stakeholder needs, should start early in development. By considering value drivers and incorporating insights from our cross-functional experts, we help you design trials that generate compelling value propositions and build a robust evidence package, accelerating patient access to your treatment. 

Our approach focuses on maximizing your innovation's value, ensuring your evidence strategy meets the requirements of regulators, payers, healthcare providers, and patients. Partnering with SSI Strategy gives you access to our 360-degree expertise, providing critical input into your development strategy. 

Epidemiology: The Foundation of Strategic Development

Understanding your target disease's epidemiology is the foundation of a successful evidence strategy. Our epidemiology experts work with you to develop a comprehensive understanding of disease burden, patient populations, and unmet medical needs. We help you identify evidence gaps and opportunities to differentiate your product. 

This epidemiological foundation informs your development strategy, ensuring your evidence generation efforts focus on the most critical success drivers. 

Aligning with HTA and Payer Requirements

Securing favorable reimbursement and market access is critical in commercializing innovative therapies. Our Evidence & Value team has deep expertise in understanding and addressing the specific needs of HTAs and payers, ensuring your evidence package is optimized to meet these decision-makers' requirements. We work with your team to incorporate HTA and payer considerations into your trial design, endpoints, and value story development.

By proactively aligning your evidence strategy with HTA and payer needs, we help you minimize reimbursement risks, accelerate access to your therapy, and maximize its commercial potential. 

Designing Trials that Demonstrate Value

Designing studies that effectively demonstrate your product's value requires a strategic, multi-stakeholder approach. Our team works with you to design trials that meet regulatory requirements and generate evidence to support HTA submissions, payer negotiations, and clinical adoption.  

We help you select relevant endpoints, comparators, and patient populations, ensuring your trials are optimized to showcase your therapy's unique value proposition. 

Cross-Functional Collaboration and Alignment

Effective evidence generation requires collaboration and alignment across multiple functions. At SSI Strategy, our Evidence & Value team bridges these critical stakeholders, ensuring your evidence strategy is integrated with your overall product development plan. We work with your teams to develop a unified vision of success and a roadmap for achieving it. 

By breaking down silos and driving cross-functional alignment, we help you optimize resource allocation, minimize delays, and accelerate your innovative therapy's path to market. Our comprehensive expertise provides valuable insights that inform your evidence generation strategy. 

Why Partner with Us?

Choosing SSI Strategy as your Evidence & Value partner gives you a trusted ally with a proven track record of delivering strategic insights and driving evidence generation excellence. Our combination of deep epidemiology expertise, HTA and payer knowledge, cross-functional collaboration, and comprehensive understanding of the drug development process enables us to provide tailored solutions that address your specific challenges and goals. 

We think strategically, anticipate evidence needs, and design innovative solutions that maximize your therapy's value. By leveraging our 360-degree expertise and emphasizing early value consideration, we help you bring your treatment to patients faster and with greater success. 


Dr Chantal W.M. van Gils

VP Evidence & Value

Max Craig

SVP Business Consulting

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